Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog " THE NURSING ABSTRACT". Its my pleasure to meet you all. We have already discussed about the nervous tissue . Today we are going to discuss about 'THE NERVOUS SYSTEM'. which comprises of the Central Nervous System and The Peripheral Nervous System. Lets discuss in detail. If you want a brief explanation of these videos visit my YouTube channel.
Channel link:
English video:https://youtu.be/vmtrIdxNz9U
Tamil video:https://youtu.be/5bZpJR-wb1c
Nervous tissue makes up the nervous system. The nervous system is subdivided into
The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain and spinal cord, which coordinates information from all areas of the body and sends nerve impulses that control all bodily movements.
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of peripheral nerves that branch all throughout the body. It connects the CNS to the rest of the body parts and it is directly responsible for controlling the movements of the particular parts of the body;
For example, before moving an arm the CNS sends nerve impulses. And the PNS nerves in the arm receive the signal, which causes the arm to move.
The enteric nervous system (ENS) controls the gastrointestinal tract (digestive tract).
This division of the nervous system, along with the SNS and PSNS, are collectively referred to as The Autonomic nervous system (ANS).
The ANS regulates activities which occurs unconsciously; for example: we don’t have to think about digestion of food and it happens without our knowledge.
By contrast, The Somatic nervous system (SONS) controls voluntary body movements. It is made up of afferent and efferent nerves. which send signals to and from the Central nervous system, which causes voluntary muscle contraction to occur.
The ANS nervous system that controls muscles of internal organs (such as the heart, blood vessels, lungs, stomach, and intestines) and glands (such as salivary glands and sweat glands).
It is divided into :The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and The parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS).
The activation of Sympathetic nervous sytem causes a stimulation.so it causes a fight-or-flight response in an organism when that organism faces a threat and must decide whether to fight or flee from the danger. The nerves of the SNS have different effects on different parts of the body. Activation of the SNS causes the pupils of the eyes to dilate and it inhibits digestion which will increases sweat secretion and increases the heart rate.
But the Para Sympathetic Nervous System is activated during moments of “rest and digest”, when an organism is not facing any immediate threat. Nerves of the PSNS work to stimulate activities that can occur at rest such as digestion, waste excretion and they also decrease the heart rate
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