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Hello my dear friends. This is our last topic in "TISSUES" i.e: "THE NERVOUS TISSUE". In this topic we are going to discuss about The Neurons, The Glial cells and The Nervous system. I have just taken notes very precisely just  for review of the topic. You can go through so many books and references for further details on the topic.
If you need a brief explanation on the topic you can watch my YouTube channel named "NURSING ABSTRACT" where videos are made in both Tamil and English. If you have any queries or suggestions kindly post in the comments section below.

Channel Link:

               NERVOUS TISSUE:


There are 4 main types of tissues each with subtypes .they are 







        It is a system that controls the body movements, sends and carries signals to and from the different parts of the body and has a role in controlling the bodily functions such as digestion.

2 types of tissue are found in the nervous system: excitable cells & non excitable cells.

Excitable cells –these are called neurons and they initiate, receive, conduct and transmit information.

Non excitable cells -also known as glial cells , these support the neurons.


The cells are called which  can transmit signals called nerve impulses, or action potentials 

In neuron action potential is present which carry electrical impulses which can rise and fall quickly. the action potential can transmit signals from one neuron to the another.

 Nervous tissue is formed of neurons which is also called as nerve cells and neuroglial cells.


Four types of neuroglia cells found in the CNS are 


Microglial cells,

 Ependymal cells, 


Two types of neuroglia cells found in the PNS are satellite cells and Schwann cells.


Neuroglia, or glial cells, are cells that support the neurons and supply them with the  nutrients and get rid of the pathogens such as bacteria dead cells  .

They also form an  insulation between the neurons so that the  electrical signals do not get crossed, and can also help in  the formation of synaptic connections between the  neurons. There are several types of neuroglia:

Astroglial cells are also called as astrocytes which are star-shaped cells. And they are  found in the brain and the spinal cord.  They provide nutrients to the  neurons and  maintain an  ion balance, and remove the excess neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft which is not needed.

Ependymal cells are also found in the CNS. There are two types of ependymal cells. Non-ciliated ependymal cells form the CSF, while the ciliated ependymal cells help the cerebrospinal fluid to circulate. Cerebrospinal fluid cushions the brain and spinal cord.

Oligodendrocytes are found in the Central Nervous System and they provide a physical support to the neurons. In central nervous system the neurons are covered with a myelin sheath around them. The myelin sheath which is a fatty substance and it wraps around the axons of some neurons; and this sheath provides electrical insulation.

Microglial cells also called as microglia. they are  small macrophage cells in the CNS . they protect against disease by engulfing pathogens through phagocytosis which is called as cell eating. The Miroglia can  destroy the infected neurons and can promote the regrowth of the neurons. All the other types of neuroglia which are found above are larger and they are  collectively called as Macroglia.

Schwann cells are only found in the PNS .The Schwann cells form myelin sheaths around some neurons,  . Neurons which are  Myelinated can conduct electrical impulses faster than The Non-Myelinated Neurons.


 They are small round cells as well as flattened which is found in the ganglion of the Peripheral Nervous System.

The main function of satellite cell is to protect the neuron cell body and helps in providing a physical support.

These are the slides which I have used in my videos . posting it for your reference.


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