H ello everyone . It's a great joy to meet u all . In todays topic we are going to discuss about HYPERTENSION and its intervention , complications etc. . I have given explanation for this content in YouTube in Tamil and English . TAMIL : https://youtu.be/Ho1ox87p2Fw ENGLISH : https://youtu.be/lBsiYoChOoY INTRODUCTION: HYPERTENSION means high pressure in the arteries and most of the major organs. TYPES OF HYPERTENSION : PRIMARY HYPERTENSION: It’s hypertension without any cause or not related to any medical conditions. SECONDARY HYPERTENSION: Any other medical condition that causes high blood pressure. Problems in the kidneys, arteries, endocrine system etc. Risk factors of hypertension: AGE : as the age progresses RACE: African Americans FAMILY HISTORY OBESITY TOBACCO USAGE ...
It gives me immense pleasure to share my thoughts and views on nursing, so that it would be helpful for you all to understand the concepts of nursing in an easier way. I have done this based on the INC syllabus for I year BSc nursing. In future we will discuss regarding the consecutive years. I'm also running an YouTube Channel named "Nursing Abstract" in both English and Tamil with the slides which I'm posting here. Which would be helpful for the students to understand the topics better. For brief content about the topics you can refer and add on to the notes. I'm giving the link of the YouTube channel you can refer for an explanation on these slides: https://youtube.com/channel/UCZrabu-CtMa5AEexu1j2GNw Today we are discussing about the main gist of anatomy & physiology. I have been using the book "Ross ...