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        H ello everyone . It's a great joy to meet u all . In todays topic we are going to discuss about PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HYPERTENSION .   I have given explanation for this content  in YouTube in Tamil and English .  TAMIL : ENGLISH : CARDIAC OUTPUT : §   The cardiac output is the amount of blood ejected from each ventricle in one minute. §   The amount of blood ejected by each contraction of each ventricle is called the stroke volume.  FORMULA TO CALCULATE CARDIAC OUTPUT : CARDIAC OUTPUT = STROKE VOLUME  *   HEART RATE     PERIPHERAL RESISTANCE : §   It is also called as systemic vascular resistance. §   It is the amount of resistance which is in the blood flow and it’s difficult for the blood to flow with resistance. §   Total peripheral resistance is used in the calculations of blood pressure, blood ...


  H ello everyone . It's a great joy to meet u all . In todays topic we are going to discuss about HYPERTENSION and its intervention , complications etc. .   I have given explanation for this content  in YouTube in Tamil and English .  TAMIL : ENGLISH : INTRODUCTION: HYPERTENSION means high pressure in the arteries and most of the major organs. TYPES OF HYPERTENSION : PRIMARY HYPERTENSION: It’s hypertension without any cause or not related to any medical conditions. SECONDARY HYPERTENSION: Any other medical condition that causes high blood pressure. Problems in the kidneys, arteries, endocrine system etc. Risk factors of hypertension:          AGE : as the age progresses        RACE: African Americans         FAMILY HISTORY        OBESITY        TOBACCO USAGE      ...


  Hello everyone, In today's topic we are going to discuss about the what a standard 12 Lead ECG and how to interpret it in a simple 6 steps. I have made this content in a video format in Tamil and English. If you have any doubts kindly post in the comment section below. TAMIL VIDEO: ENGLISH VIDEO: INTERPRETATION OF ECG: ECG PAPER: ECG paper is divided into large square with 5mm wide and these large squares are further subdivided into small squares of 1mm width. The ECG machine mostly runs at 25millimeter / second. There are five small squares in one large square.  Small squares equals one minute (1500 x 0.04 = 60 seconds).  1 small square =0.04 seconds 1 LS = 0.2 seconds. 5 LS = 1 Second  30 LS = 6 Seconds. We can also count the number of small squares in between 2 R waves and calculate the heart rate / minute. 1500 /n = heart rate / minute. But usually the heart rate slows during expiration and speeds during...


Hello everyone, In today's topic we are going to discuss about the what a standard 12 Lead ECG is about and through by a glance of ECG how we can interpret which area is affected. I have made this content in a video format in Tamil and English. If you have any doubts kindly post in the comment section below. Tamil video: English video:                             HOW TO  INTERPRET AN ECG:          STANDARD ECG: In standard ECG there are 10 electrodes .   4 limb electrodes – left arm and leg ,right arm and leg. In where right leg is a neutral lead. 6 Precordial electrodes. i.e. V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6 which are placed around the chest. Heart is a 3 dimensional organ .so V1-V6 are lined in a transverse or horizontal plane of the chest.  The electrodes detect the charge outside the cells. Usually the dipole will be more ...

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